Released on = December 28, 2005, 7:58 pm
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Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Today, there are dozens of excellent natural products on the market that give you the dreamed-about heights of your sexuality. But how do you find them? How do you separate the truly effective from the ones that are a waste of money? You can scour the net for info, open 10 windows or tabs at once to try to compare features, claims and prices, then hit-or-miss your way through it... OR you can shop here...
Press Release Body = The amount of Penis Enhancement Pills on the market today is staggering. Here at we have taken the liberty to weed through all of the products and provide you with the cream of the crop. Here you will find a list of Penis Enhancement Pills that have acheived the BETTERSEXMALL APPROVAL AWARD, starting with this month\'s CONSUMERS CHOICE AWARD.
No matter what product you choose from our list, we are confident that you will see noticeable gains. Here is a list of the criteria we looked for before awarding them the APPROVAL:
1. Overall Improvement In Sexual health 2. Increased Sexual Desire 3. Substantially Increased Sexual Pleasure 4. Strengthening and Toning Of The Sexual Glands 5. Increased Blood Circulation To The Genitals 6. Increased Stamina and Sex Drive 7. Increased Erection Size 8. Product Customer Service 9. Product Guarantees and Policies
All the products you will find below met or exceeded are criteria standards. So please read on and be assured that which ever product you decide upon will meet your expectations.
Natural penis enlargement pills are composed of combinations of herbs and other compounds designed to increase erections when taken for an extended period of time - a three month cycle is usually recommended.
The penis pill originated from the \"love herbs\" and other creations that were popular during the 1970s and 1980s. The penis pill consists of herbal supplements and/or chemical compounds that act as stimulants which increase blood circulation and enlarge the erectile tissues within the penis. This results in longer, firmer erections.
Combinations of these stimulants have long been known to enhance sexual performance, and for engorging the penis more than normal. Cultures from South America, Africa, and Asia have long recommended various herbs and herbal combinations to combat flagging sex drive and lost performance due to sickness and age.
Leading manufacturers have taken up where the love herbs left off in the 80's, using medical science to create more effective combinations of herbs, and making penis pills available on a wider scale. When medical science is coupled with the wisdom passed down from civilizations for thousands of years, the result has been penis enlargement pills that are an effective alternative to dangerous penile surgery.
Many different manufacturers produce penis enhancing compounds, but only a few brands come out on top. One of the top performers is produced by the Albion Medical Group, and has helped 1000\'s of men cope with and conquer serious erectile dysfunction issues.
These painful problems include small penis size and poor self-image, as well as lack of potency and premature ejaculation.
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Contact Details = Eric Dixon
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